Agribusiness confused which one to choose? Nothing wrong if you try mushroom farm consumption.types of fungi that consumers demand, namely mushroom (Volvariella volvaceae), white oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), ear mushrooms (Auricularia polytricha), champignon (Agaricus bisporus) and shiitake (Lentinus edodes).
Of the five types of mushrooms, the fungi cultivated meranglah that many farmers. Because, compared to other types of mushrooms, mushroom more easily cultivated, and short life cycle, just one month. "Mushroom dominate 55% -60% of total mushroom production nationwide," said Manifestation.
The next rank is the white oyster mushroom. Production of mushrooms whose development started since 1997's it was, about 30% of the total production of mushrooms Indonesia. Wood is widely cultivated mushrooms in the area of 800-1300 m altitude above sea level has a life cycle with a 5-month harvest period of 4 months.
Choose to live
Mushroom growers are often found in lowland areas, such as on the north coast of Java (northern coast). Particularly in West Java, mushroom production centers can be found in Jakarta, Karachi, Subang, and Cirebon.
the center of the white oyster mushroom in Bandung regency (Cisarua,
Lembang, Ciwidey, Pangalengan), Bogor, Sukabumi, Garut and Tasikmalaya. Outside there Jabar in Sleman, Yogyakarta and Solo. For the mushroom, can be found in Central Java (Ambarawa and Yogyakarta), as well as in Ciwidey (Kab. Bandung).
not many, business champignon mushrooms, button mushrooms alias, can be
found in Bumiayu (Central Java) and Randutatah, Malang (East Java). Also for shiitake mushroom, its perpetrators are examples Cibodas, Lembang, and Malang.
Champignon and shiitake more produced by large companies due to be produced for the processed (canned). While the edible mushroom, oyster mushrooms and white, and oyster mushrooms, more populist, so many choose to be undertaken.
Plus valuable
According to the Maji, in the last three years, the public interest to eat mushrooms growing. One
of them can be seen from the creativity of the traders, who previously
only selling fresh mushrooms, has now expanded into processed products,
such as chips to produce mushrooms.
Public awareness to eating mushrooms positive effect on the supply demand. "Demand is growing mushrooms, whatever that is produced by farmers depleted absorbed. The increase is about 20% -25% / year, "said Ir. NS Adiyuwono, owner of the company in Ciwidey Sinapeul Mushroom, oyster mushroom and seeking mushroom.
Consumers, Adi, realizing that the fungus is not just food, but also contain medicinal properties. "In the past, many people fear that offered mushroom poisoning. Now there is a paradigm shift, when presented with the fungus will ask about the usefulness, "he added.
In addition to delicious, nowadays people eat mushrooms because of health considerations. Mushrooms are easily digested and is reported to be useful for people with specific diseases. Mushroom for example, is useful for people with diabetes and blood deficiency diseases. Indeed, every species of fungi contain certain medicinal properties (read: Efficacy Mushroom).
Mushrooms have a high nutritional value, especially the protein content of about 15% -20% (dry weight). Cernanya power is high, 34% -89%.
Completeness of amino acids that have more to determine the quality of nutritional yeast. Fat
content is quite low, between 1.1% -9.4% (dry weight), in the form of
free fatty acid mono ditriglieserida, sterols, and phospholipids.
Mushrooms are also a good source of vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, biotin, and ascorbic acid. Generally, mushrooms are rich in minerals, especially phosphorus, calcium, and iron.
Not Yet Fulfilled
To date more mushrooms produced in Java. Based on data Maji, every day Jabar mushroom producing 15-20 tons and 10 tons of oyster mushrooms. While the mushroom, with the main centers of Central Java, every day produces 1 ton. Shiitake mushrooms, followed by the production of 500 kg / day.
Most of the production of mushrooms marketed in fresh form. Large cities become a major market destination for this fungus. Jakarta market for example, supplied from Karachi, Jakarta, Bogor, and Sukabumi. Of Cisarua-Bandung alone, every day, no less than 3 tons of oyster mushrooms into Jakarta. Ir. Mass, M.Sc., mushroom growers in Karachi, predicts, the market needs Jakarta to mushroom around 15 tons / day. While the new Falkirk are capable of supplying 3 tons.
For the mushroom market is mainly absorbed Java because it takes a lot of herbal medicine industry. However, the mushroom of Java went in Bandung, a day not less than 200 kg.
In addition to sold fresh, most of the business to diversify their products by producing chips and flour. Rina in Bandung for example, every day to produce 50-100 kg of oyster mushroom chips. Until now he has claimed not able to meet the demand of 500 kg-2 tons. While much flour is needed to meet the needs of the industry vegetarians.
Although much needed, "All the new mushroom production to meet 50% of the market demand," said Manifestation. Not
to mention the added demand of foreign markets, like Singapore, Japan,
South Korea, China, the United States and the European Union (Table 1). "Until now, that request can not be met," said Basuki Rachmat, Secretary General of Maji. Mass
is also Head Mushroom Pusdiklat Merang Indonesia, also confirmed the
demand of export markets has not been able to be fulfilled. "To
meet the needs of the country are still lacking," said Chemical
Engineering graduate of this ITB that has been farmed mushrooms since
Stable prices
Compared to other commodities, the price of mushrooms fairly stable. Perhaps because the fungus is not essential commodities like rice, pepper, and onion.
In the first two weeks of September, prices at the farm level mushroom Rp9.000-Rp10.000/kg (BEP Rp6.000/kg). The price difference at the higher level Rp3.000-Rp4.000/kg collector. In the market, the price becomes Rp15.000-Rp20.000/kg. "Because
tataniaganya chain is long enough, as long as it profits from the
business more enjoyable mushroom gatherers," said Manifestation.
If the oyster mushroom, more benefits enjoyed by the farmers. Most collectors Rp1.000-Rp2.000/kg gain. Price oyster mushrooms at the farm level in the same period the average Rp5.300/kg (BEP Rp4.000/kg). In the wholesale market Rp6.000/kg (dawn) and in small markets Rp10.000/kg.
Wet mushroom prices at the level of the average farmer Rp6.000/kg. In Rp8.000/kg market. While the dried mushroom ranges Rp35.000-Rp50.000/kg. According to Adi, to produce a kilo of dried mushroom is required 6 kg of wet. Meanwhile, Desianto FW, mushroom growers in Semarang, Central Java, said higher prices mushroom again at the end user. Rp60.000-Rp80.000/kg range.
Despite the price is quite tempting, given the current lack of fresh mushrooms sold, ie 1-2 weeks after the holiday. After that the price is back to normal. Therefore, diversification of products becomes very important.
In the last two years, mushroom production is stagnant, and even tended to decrease. Though farmers have enough farmers. Mushroom
growers core of about 5,000 people, 600 oyster mushroom farmers, 200
farmers mushroom, shiitake and entrepreneurs around 10 players.
to the Manifestation, which affects the stagnation of production
because there are about 30% of farmers and oyster mushroom yangg
collapse because they are no longer able to produce. It's more due to the difficulty of obtaining fuel oil because the price goes up. In fact, "Fuel represents 20% of the cost of production," said Adi.
Indeed, kerosene can be converted to coal or firewood. But it's not easy. "Before, I never use coal, but it was not heat stable, and the smoke affects the quality of growing media," I am Masses. Plus, when using coal, but hard to find also generates waste dust. While the cultivation of mushrooms to be completely clean.
In addition, farmers also faced the problem of accumulation pest. In the municipality of Bandung, for example, farmers troubled by the attacks of fungi Aspergillus sp. This is very annoying fungus growing media (baglog) that inhibited the growth of oyster mushrooms, and even death. This occurs when a prolonged drought or rain. On the other hand, "About 50% of production costs of growing media," said Manifestation.
Also in Yogyakarta, mushroom farmers distraught by krepes pests (mites). A poison control akarisida not a solution, because mushrooms are organic products.
Means business
Besides relying on the sale of fresh mushrooms, some mushroom growers chose to sell bottled and baglog seeds. Manifestation,
which also owns companies in the mold CV Cisarua Citi Self-Bandung, in
addition to producing oyster mushrooms, also sells seeds and baglog. Of the 15 kumbung cultivated, every day he produce 10,000 seeds baglog and bottled.
Similarly Adiyuwono who started his business since 2003. Each month it produces 100 thousand baglog, 10% -40% of them for oyster mushrooms. While the seed production of 30,000 bottles / month. Seeds he sold Rp4.000-Rp5.000/botol. While baglog oyster mushrooms for sale Rp1.600 and Rp1.400 baglog mushroom. Apart from being absorbed farmers in Java, the seeds were thrown up to Sumatra and Kalimanatan.
Similar things done Jemy Susanto, owner of the company in Solo Mushrooms Agro Lestari. Each month she produces 1,000 bottles F2 seedlings and 20,000 baglog. Seedlings and this baglog he marketed to the outside of Java. Jemy fix the price of seed Rp69.000 Rp59.000 for Java and outside Java.
Based on data Maji, growing media trade turnover reaches Rp 4, 4 billion / year. While the trade turnover reached Rp750 million seedlings a year. The trade turnover reached Rp17 fresh mushrooms, 3 billion / year.
Didnt say how much rice flower... Also if air is needed to mix up spores in syringe then boil water in a kettle then suck in steam from pour spout for sterilized air...
ReplyDeletecubensis spores
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